Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Actual and the Ideal

This is a quote that I brought up during devos last week. I will post it here because I think it is an accurate portrayal of what we are trying to accomplish.

"There are two things, the actual and the ideal.

To be mature is to see the ideal and live in the actual.

To fail is to accept the actual and reject the ideal.

To accept only that which is ideal and refuse the actual is to be immature.

Do not criticize the actual because you have seen the ideal.

Do not reject the ideal because you have seen the actual.

Maturity is to live with the actual but hold on to the ideal."

~ Derek Prince

In order for The Harbour to be successful we need to strike a balance between what we want to be and what we actually are. If we have grand ideas, but never execute them in tangible ways, then we are simply a house full of dreamers. If we are aware of our strengths and limitations, but use them as excuses to abandon our ideas, then we are a house of quitters. But somewhere between dreaming and quitting lies creativity, perseverance, boldness and faith. Let The Harbour be that place.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gloria's New Blog

Christians who think that the purchases they make are irrelevant to what it means to follow Jesus make me angry.

I decided to do something about it. Check it out:

Consuming Justice to bring about Peace

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"unity is a gospel imperative when we recognize that it opens us to change, to conversion: when we realize how our life with Christ is somehow bound up with our willingness to abide with those we think are sinful, and those we think are stupid."
-Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury